Artificial Intelligence based on the DNA molecule

Anònim fa 11 anys updated by Lewis Mbuthia fa 11 anys 1
Artificial Intelligence can be based on the transformation of the DNA molecule of living organisms into logic gates for a new processor model. Contact me at for further details on the success of my design. This is a billion dollar venture in the making.


Iron Dome Materialization

Anònim fa 12 anys 0

The suggestion is about to create new Iron Dome(s) in the Isreal territories, against the bombs of Hamas/Gaza plot (also other regions). Isreali children can't learn in the schools because of bombardments, adults can't work because of bombardments; this should be stopped!



My Idea is, Israel has to get rid of the Arabs who so-called Palestinians and should never give up Gaza because, Gaza belong to Israel.

Anònim fa 12 anys 0
My idea is, Israel has to get rid off the Arabs who so-called Palestinians and should never give up with Gaza because, Gaza belong to Israel. As long as the Arabs who so-called Palestinians attack Israel, Israel will defend itself.


Anònim fa 12 anys 0
Make the Israeli and Jewish Culture more known in Arabic materials, such as books, songs, movies etc. Many youth in Arabic speaking countries are fed up with what they had been indoctrinated with by their regimes. That Generation will be the most acceptable to the concept of Peace with a friendly State of Israel and will combat the constant demonization of the Jewish People

Broadcasting Israel supporting blogs.

Sasha fa 12 anys 0
This is something to do on a small scale, but spreading the word through blogs. I have a tumblr blog, as do many other Israel supporters on tumblr. We should spread the word, by following Jewish/Israel friendly blogs  and creating our own.

Israel-related gift exchange worldwide!

Jasmine fa 12 anys 0

I have recently come across Reddit's "Arbitrary Day", and immediately thought this could be something we could participate in as well. I am actively generating and participating-in Israel related discussions on Reddit (, to talk back and monitor anti-Israel slander that exists on various forums. Of course, you are all quite welcome to join me, however this time I thought to have you participate in something a bit more fun. Reddit has introduced a 'Secret Santa' gift exchange worldwide last year. And when it proved to be a huge success, with thousands of gifts exchanged around the globe, they thought to introduce "Arbitrary Day" (

Funnily enough, it is today, July 16. Although it is already too late to participate in this round, I thought perhaps it could be a fun thing to do, whereby people could send Israel related gifts. They don't have to be expensive naturally, but they can be inspiring, arousing curiosity or perhaps even unexpected. And the nice thing is, perhaps we'll get a gift back. I intend to do this naturally, and thought perhaps others might like to as well.

Keep up the great work everyone!