
Anonymous 11 years ago 0

Why don't we start with peace ? why don't we love each other? without racism?

If you want to be a higher person ,, start with peace,that's how we can be a better country.


AD CAMPAIGN to idispel the notion that Israel is occupying land it stole. Some history lesson is necessary to show it was indaded by Arabs who stole the country from THEM

Anonymous 12 years ago 0

Israel is the victim of very bad press. As a result many ignorant people are opposed to Israel. I am of the opinion it is time to show the world the good things Israel does that contribute to the world, that if the Arabs weren't dangerous there would be no need to impose boundaries....While it's a popular perception that Israel stole the land, it's vital to explain the history so the masses can learn its the other way around.



Donate money to Pro-Israeli organization via text message

Anonymous 12 years ago 0

Some charities have a number you can text message from your cell phone to donate to them, and it just adds the money to your bill, and the phone company sends them the money.  Makes it convenient for people to give, and convenient to tell others.


Bible studies teaching Christian and Jews their roots how we are linked America & Israel

Anonymous 12 years ago 0

There i a link between America & Israel...Christian & Jews


Grow a special tree from Israel

Anonymous 12 years ago 0
As a symbol of green peace and unity with Israel, trees are distributed to grow across continents. The seeds are purchased online and shipped to customer's address with instruction on how to grow up the tree.


Greeks and Jews must have a staunch alliance in every field. Greeks in the last decades have been batered from antiisraeli propaganda by the media. That's too bad, since Greeks have not been antisemitic in the past and during II Word War as other nations.

Anonymous 12 years ago 0
Greeks and Jews must have a staunch alliance in every field. Greeks in the last decades have been batered from antiisraeli promuslim philoarabic propaganda by the media. That's too bad, since Greeks have not been antisemitic in the past and during II Word War as other nations. Find good and competent giornalists who would be able to inform the Greek people about the condition in the Middle East from an israeli viewpoint. Greeks must KNOW. They don't know, or they know only what antisemitic people say. Help them to know your viewpoint, and their feelings towards Jews will change.

Artists for Israel~ donate art for auctioning

Anonymous 12 years ago 0
Have people donate art that can be  auctioned off and all proceeds go to helping those in need in Israel.