Pray for the peace and protection of all Israels poeple and that all turn to Jesus who Lord God and Savor to all men! I will bless those who bless you and curs those that curs you, God will protect his poeple as long as they do not tun away from him.

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Pray for the peace and protection of all Israels people and that all turn to Jesus who is Lord God and Savor to all men! I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, God will protect his people as long as they do not tun away from him. All of Gods people must cry out in love to there lord for this peace and protection and not be deceived by these that clam to be Jesus, because the second time he comes back, he will not come back as a lamb, and he will put an end to all evil men. The time is close!!!!

God Bless Israel!!!!!
God Bless You!!!!



The world has been persuaded to think that the palestinians are a people being bullied by Israel when that is the opposite from the truth. People don't realize that the palestinians have a country, Its name is Jordan.

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The Islamic Jihad is using the ignorant palestinians to further their extremist destructive destroy Israel phylosophy.  They must have someone to hate. Never trade land for peace.  They have no intention of giving peace. Israel has the right to exist as a country. Send all the palestinians back home to Jordon. Allow no one into Israel that doesn't sware allegance to Israel.  All enemies of Israel have no rights. May God Bless Israel


Write and call newspaper editors and protest when left wing journalist are tilted against Israel

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 We must protest and call the media as many journalist are very bias against Israel in their reporting.Their lies must be exposed and ask for them to be sacked as they are a disgrace and lower the standard of journalism and promote the evil ways of tyrants and murderers.Ask for your subscription to be cancelled like i did should they not take action immediately.


Stop biased media

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 Every Israeli Embassy should publish a true history of the formation of Israel on their websites. It should teach plainly about the original borders promised by the League of Nations. It should also clearly point out and correct all the false accusations there are in most media at the moment.