Your comments

I completely understand, Enrique.  That would give us a chance to go to Israel more!  :)  It probably would be good to focus on just one aspect at a time or offer a "day off" from a business tour trip to either go to a University or political venue.
Exactly.  My husband did this around the area we grew up early in his career and it was very rewarding.  This way, even those of us who are in the home could still promote Israeli products here in the US - beneficial for all! :)
What I've learned has added to and blessed what I've always known - there is something uniquely special about Israel that separates her from every other country on the planet.  However, being blessed by God cannot make us complacent.  I've learned that we must retain the attitudes and heart of the settlers that made possible what Israel is today.  We must be willing to work hard and make sacrifices.  This may mean having to work in an arena that is far below your academic achievements or volunteering until you can be placed in an appropriate work setting commensurate to your schooling.  You may have to get your hands dirty.  You may have to consider living quarters that don't exactly measure up to what you had in mind - and you may have to share them with more folks that you would like to.  As I read on in the book and I come to the years of 1929-1937, I am especially reminded of why these things are so important today for us as Jews.  Never has the world hated Israel more today than ever before.  We must come together but not just for social entitlement or protests but with hard work, continuing education, and a resolve to never give up what is rightfully ours in regard to land, military force and political influence in Israel and abroad. The early settlers could have given up after what had been lost for so long. But they didn't and neither can we.  We cannot stop learning and appreciating what we have been given: hope and opportunity if we choose.
We can protest and push (lobby) all we like but at the end of the day, hard work and sacrifice will make things happen.  This is what we have learned as a family.  This is at the heart of our story as a family.  If I ever get the chance, I will go to Israel and volunteer in some capacity or another to help - that needs to be our focus for Israel and go from there.  I learned these things the hard way.  Just expecting the government to hand out is not the solution.
What else can I say?  :)
And if you do know these things, why  not go back and refresh?  :)
Shortly after my husband and I married in 1999, we faced some of the toughest times...and times we had never imagined happening to us.  In 2002, the bank my husband worked for was bought out and his position at the bank cut even though he had been established as an excellent employee and having just been given a sales award.  Ten years later we are just getting on top of life again.  I would love to share more and will as time goes by.  We both ended up going back to school - his experience good, mine not so much.  Happy to be here and hoping I will be able to help others.  Thanks!