
An Israeli/Jewish TV station along the lines of Aljezeera

Óþekktur 12 ár síðan updated by Commenter 11 ár síðan 1
I believe that to really reach people in the world we need to be in the right places! Today we have many Facebook Groups and Websites that are dedicated to defending Israel online. They are doing a pretty good job of it...
But, the world needs to see what is happening inside Israel: They need to know that Israel isn't an Apartheid country and this is hard to convey online. Also, it is quite difficult (not impossible, just difficult) to defend Israel with articles, in my opinion a TV station would affect the world because it doesn't have to searched for or googled, it doesnt have to be read and concetrated on, it is simply on your TV! It is much easier to convey a complex message or point through a video/picture/explanation. 

That is why i believe we need an Israeli/Jewish TV station whose sole purpose is to bring Israel's case to world!!
Agree! But in addition to graphically exposing the lies about Israel, it should also be about the Jewish experience - because anti-Israelism is the symptom; Judeophobia is the disease. I envision something very upbeat and humourous, incuding pro-Israel entertainers (Jewish or not), also serious interview shows in which Jewish people talk frankly about the minority experience, also people of all ethnicities sharing the reasons they support Israel and condemn anti-Semitism, perhaps even debates between neo-Nazis and Jews, or debates between anti-Israel Jews and pro-Israel Christians or Muslims (lest the station be slammed as Zionist propaganda, everyone has their say!); call-in shows where when people says things like the IDF tries to kill children the host actually makes them prove it; maybe New Testament Christian scholars talking about the anti-Semitism in the Bible...it's limitless. In other words, a very frank exploration of the underlying drivers of our current mess--topics long overdue for fearless engagement.

AND, I think the channel should also proudly (and with self-parody) proclaim that it is entirely "Jewish-Controlled media." People will then see that true Jewish-run media looks very different from the stuff we get.

Anti-semitism is a hallucinatory disease based on ignorance, mass influence, and religious sanction. People need new, accurate imagery to replace it or they will never be cured.