
Build Eco Cities

Anonym vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Lexuslilly vor 10 Jahren 1

Build self sufficient  Eco cities, you have the sun, fertile soil, financial capabilities and technologies. Even Palestinians can benefit from being happy in an Eco house and working for Israel not against.  No Jew should be killed in war under any cost.  ecolism.com 

Homes can be pre-fabricated in factories and snapped together on site (provided you have the heavy-duty cranes, often seen in large cities for large buildings and the crew to assemble them). This would also create jobs within Israel and solve the issue of housing.

Another alternative is to use shipping containers as apartment complexes, it's a huge eco-friendly solution and shipping containers would not have to travel far as Israel is a coastal city in a busy trade-route. Security would be an obvious issue, but that too would create jobs for the private sector possibly manned by former IDF as a transitional job.

Vertical gardens: especially outside large buildings, the shipping container homes or apartment complexes (ideal, as these metal boxes can be rather hot during the warmer seasons and if not well constructed have led to fires). Now vertical gardening can only work for certain plants, in fact I've heard of tomato plants growing 6-8' high! There are entire buildings, bridges and interior walls of offices covered in vertical gardens. Planting edibles would help with a food source, maintaining them would create jobs, as would designing and constructing them would create it's own industry provided there's a demand. Interior gardens would need adequate light, based on the plant (design-conscious) and the layout would have to compensate for light direction of the sun into the building and plants survival depends on if the light is present for the adequate amount of time.

All in all, with the technological advancements made in Israel by Israelis, they could become leaders in this field and become more self-sufficient. Most especially as I'm writing this, Jerusalem and other cities have been hit hard with snowfall and power is out. Rectifying this problem now due to a natural disaster is a blessing so that they have it in place in the event of an attack or all out war.