
· Launch a massive re-education campaign. Focus on the entire 4,000+ year history of the Jews. Do most people realize that our history is so much more than the Holocaust and Israel? Probably not. It's tiring to hear people say, "Yeah, the Holocaust was

Anonymous 13 years ago 0

·   Launch a massive re-education campaign. Focus on the entire 4,000+ year history of the Jews. Do most people realize that our history is so much more than the Holocaust and Israel? Probably not. It's tiring to hear people say, "Yeah, the Holocaust was sad, but that doesn't give them the right to take over Israel." On the 9th of Av alone:      Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzer destroyed the FirstHolyTemple, built by King Solomon 410 years earlier (586 BCE).

·        Titus and his Roman soldiers destroyed the 420-year-old SecondHolyTemple built by Ezra and Nehemiah (70 CE).

·        The Romans massacred Bar Kochba and tens of thousands of Jews as Betar, the last fortress, fell (135 CE).

·        The Roman Emperor Hadrian ordered Turnus Rufus to plow Jerusalem under, so that there would be no memory of the city. He rebuilt Jerusalem as a pagan city that Jews were forbidden to enter (136 CE).


Some other dreadful things that began on the ninth of Av include:


·        Anti-Jewish riots led to the mass suicide of the Jews in York, England (1190 CE).

·        King Edward I signed an edict forcing the Jews to leave England (1290 CE).

·        First Crusade declared by Pope Urban II. 10,000 Jews killed in first month (1095 CE).

·        (The Spanish inquisition resulted in the expulsion of 200,000 Jews from Spain (1492 CE).

·        World War I broke out (1914 CE).

·        Riots by Arabs in Jerusalem resulted in the massacre of Jews in Hebron (1929 CE).

·        Deportation of the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto began (1942 CE).

·        The deadly bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killed 86 people and wounded 300 others (1994).