Ideas should be introduced!

Anonim 11 lat temu 0
Israel and Its peaceful ideas should be introduced better in Muslim countries especially in Turkey. Despite the history of Turkish Jews, there has been a bit anti-semitism in recent years.

spread the hibru as a culturelanguage

Anonim 11 lat temu 0

يجوز فقهاء المسلمين افعالا قد حرموها في موضع اخر حتى وكانهم قد جمعوا بين النقائض

Mohmmad Habiban 11 lat temu 0

عندما يسال جعفر الصادق عن نبيذ مسكر وقعت قطرات من في كوس ماء هل يجوز شربه فيعطي جعفر الاذن بشربه مخافا لنبيه حيث يقول الشراب المسكر كثيره فقليله حرم



the building and world-wide promotion of Thorium Nuclear Reactors - weaning the world from the drunkeness of Arab $Oil

Anonim 12 lat temu 0
the building and world-wide promotion of Thorium Nuclear Reactors - weaning the world from the drunkeness of Arab $Oil will do more to remove biased media and info's than billions of words ever will

Israel Murdabad Inshallah we remove israel from world map

Anonim 12 lat temu 0

Ideas for Israel

Anonim 12 lat temu 0

My ideas for Jerusalem, Israel is to help me understand the path that I can apply in my life, may be the path to Jerusalem, Israel. 


Allow non-Jewish Christians and Messianics who believe in the God of Israel to become a part of your great nation and fight along side you to protect it.

Anonim 12 lat temu 0
An idea to allow non-Jewish (perhaps still Israelite?) people and their families who believe in the God of Israel, to become a full part of your great country (without becoming a Proselyte), and fight along side Israel to protect it's borders.