
Make T-shirts to be worn on campuses

Cath 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja anonymous 7 aastat tagasi 15

Israelize t-shirts should be made and be avaliable for sale to campuses around the world. One group could make them and then allow people to order them over the net and ship them or each campus can have a "T-shirt group" to make them in their own neighbourhood. Other things can also be made with the "Isrealize" emblem on it eg hoodies, scarfs etc. On certain days everyone can wear their shirts and post the pictures on the net, creating a "T-shirt awareness day". When poeple see us wearing the t-shirts etc some might ask what they are for, creating a great conversation starter, tell them how awesome Israel is!

I love this idea! What steps do you see we need to take? How would we get the tshirts out?
Also, we want to think of ideas for fundraising for this. How much would it cost to get running.
How much can you figure out? 
Where do you need help?

Wiki-Warriors ... correcting false, anti-Israeli information on Wikipedia and giving Israel credit where it's due.

Patrizia 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Israelize (head designer at israelize) 11 aastat tagasi 19
In a recent seminar, I have heard of from a lawyer who's very  involved in correcting anti-Israeli / Anti-Semitic misinformation on Wikipedia that despite the clear need for this, there's hardly anyone doing it. 


Social meet-up in different cities and campuses

Amie Bailey 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Israelize (head designer at israelize) 12 aastat tagasi 9
Image 4
Ok, we often have to start with a name and purpose. The name of these socials? And, the purpose? In other words, what is the "hill they will climb" when they leave the social?

Mock Mobile bomb shelter

Andrew Summey 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Israelize (head designer at israelize) 12 aastat tagasi 3
On it can be information about Israel and the latest terrorist attacks.

Something that can counter the "apartheid walls" that are often put up at universities.