
Greeks and Jews must have a staunch alliance in every field. Greeks in the last decades have been batered from antiisraeli propaganda by the media. That's too bad, since Greeks have not been antisemitic in the past and during II Word War as other nations.

Anonymous 12 years ago 0
Greeks and Jews must have a staunch alliance in every field. Greeks in the last decades have been batered from antiisraeli promuslim philoarabic propaganda by the media. That's too bad, since Greeks have not been antisemitic in the past and during II Word War as other nations. Find good and competent giornalists who would be able to inform the Greek people about the condition in the Middle East from an israeli viewpoint. Greeks must KNOW. They don't know, or they know only what antisemitic people say. Help them to know your viewpoint, and their feelings towards Jews will change.

Sell acacia trees

Anonymous 12 years ago 0

Israel-related gift exchange worldwide!

Jasmine 12 years ago 0

I have recently come across Reddit's "Arbitrary Day", and immediately thought this could be something we could participate in as well. I am actively generating and participating-in Israel related discussions on Reddit (, to talk back and monitor anti-Israel slander that exists on various forums. Of course, you are all quite welcome to join me, however this time I thought to have you participate in something a bit more fun. Reddit has introduced a 'Secret Santa' gift exchange worldwide last year. And when it proved to be a huge success, with thousands of gifts exchanged around the globe, they thought to introduce "Arbitrary Day" (

Funnily enough, it is today, July 16. Although it is already too late to participate in this round, I thought perhaps it could be a fun thing to do, whereby people could send Israel related gifts. They don't have to be expensive naturally, but they can be inspiring, arousing curiosity or perhaps even unexpected. And the nice thing is, perhaps we'll get a gift back. I intend to do this naturally, and thought perhaps others might like to as well.

Keep up the great work everyone!


Praying for ISRAEL for PEACE and BLESSING and you'll start to be channel of blessing to others.

Anonymous 12 years ago 0
Believing that when we pray for peace and blessing to ISRAEL we are also blessed. When someone curse Israel they'll be the one cursed. This is TRUE, because they are fighting against GOD, against GOD chosen People. Remember, we are nothing without GOD.
SHALOM and blessing to ISRAEL.

IDF spokesperson unit does conference calls with Student leaders

Anonymous 12 years ago updated by Israelize (head designer at israelize) 12 years ago 1
Soldiers will share individual experiences of whats really happening with Students on US campuses